Bringing Nature and the Outdoors into the Children’s Room

Integrating natural elements into the places where we live, Xi and work is currently a hot topic in the field of interior design. This is known as biophilic design. Humans have an innate love for nature and living things, especially children. Connecting people with nature has been proven to improve their health and well-being. By reducing stress, blood pressure, and heart rate. It is also believed to enhance calmness, creativity, and learning

Children have a natural affinity for nature. They are captivated, inspired, and stimulated by the natural world.

Exposing children to nature both inside and outside the home will improve their health, concentration, and creativity. But it will also foster a love of nature and a desire to preserve and protect it for the future.

So how do we bring nature into children’s spaces?

There are 3 ways you can introduce nature into your child’s space.

1. Integrate nature itself into the space. This may include natural sunlight, fresh air, potted plants, green walls, and sounds of nature, among others. Open the windows and install them with curtains or blinds so that they don’t block out the light during the day. Add plants. Although these may need to be placed out of reach and even artificial plants need to be placed to prevent young children from eating them!

2. Introduce shapes and textures reminiscent of natural forms and natural materials. Examples include wood, stone, nature photography, wallpaper, and artwork. There are endless options for nature-inspired products, especially children’s designs. Wood floors and furniture, wicker and natural colors such as green, brown, blue and neutrals create a natural feel.

We love Wild Hearts Wonder’s nature-inspired wallpapers, creating a soothing yet fun space for kids of any age.

For those of us who aren’t very good at gardening, plant-shaped mats can provide a natural touch for a lifetime!

Or these ornate felt pebbles provide space to rest or read.

3. The final tip is to use the nature of the space to create a cozy nook or secluded place reminiscent of a secret nest in the woods. The room below the sloping ceiling provides a cozy corner for the wooden bed, surrounded by plants on the surrounding walls.

We love to introduce nature into our children’s space in any way that stimulates children’s interest and imagination.

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